Family Sports and Your Special Needs Child
It's all about finding the right resources. What we've found is if you do a little searching you'll see that many cities, all around the world, have all sorts of incredible adaptive programs for your special little one.
You see our son Rhys is more into sports than anyone else in our family (which is saying a lot,) and is what makes it even more crucial to make him feel included in every sense of the way, regardless of his limitations.
Luckily for us, one of our favorite ski resorts happens to have one of the best programs we could ever dream of, and is only hours away (ok 5 but still.)
I have to say if you're in California or anywhere remotely near Mammoth Lakes, this is a program worth looking into. First off the people are literally like family and are all there because they truly want to be, I mean each one is volunteer based.
They have full day or half day options, financial aid if you need it and two instructors fully dedicated to your little one.
He was excited but weary going into it and ended up being the last kid standing on the mountain, no joke! We owe it all to this amazing program and team of instructors who made him more comfortable and stoked than I've ever seen.
Moral being, there are options for these special kiddos, and although they may not always be front and center or easy to come by, it's worth that little bit of searching, my Rhys promises...
XO, April
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