Simply Spooky Halloween Decor
Here's our home all decked out for Halloween.
We looove the holidays and all that comes with it. Our neighborhood goes all out for Halloween and reminds me of what you only see in the movies which I couldn't love more. It has to be one of my fave nights of the entire year...
That being said we typically have our lawn filled with spiders, skeletons, pumpkins, lights and the rest. But this year I'm all about less is more and am focusing more on high impact, by creating a big statement with less. That way I'm not wasting precious time or money quite frankly.
So what exactly did we do? We hot glued (with a cordless glue gun) 1 x 1 inch mounting bases to the house and used 4 inch standard cable ties to attach the spiders legs to them. About 4 per spider. So far they've held up great and have made quite the statement in the neighborhood. We also scattered a few pumpkins by my entry and potted some beautiful pastel mums and kale.
So here you have it, 5 8 foot spiders, a few pumpkins, mums, and kale, and we have my favorite Halloween decor to date.
XO, April
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